Full Catalog
What is Man that You are Mindful of Him (2019), for SATB
In Times of Trouble (2020), for SATB with divisi
Why Did I Do This (2020) for any four voices
Fire and Ice (2020), for baritone and piano
Mi Alma (2020), for soprano and piano
Her Name was Emily (2020), for TTBB
Sentience (2023)
Gradus ad Paradisum (2019), for string quartet
Assignments for Two Pianos (2019), for two pianos
Behind the Universe (2021), for string quintet
Between Speech (2021), for string quartet
Promesa (2021), for soprano and string quartet
Evolution 1 (2022), for string quartet
Sangre (2023), for double bass, piano, and soprano
tlezannen, for soprano and pierrot ensemble